
I walked over to Ditmas Park this week to take some measurements of our new space. Crossing over into the neighbour hood was like stepping into Pleasantville. The yards are expansive with grass, and old trees are heavily blossomed. People were out on their porches in the morning sunshine, with smiles and “Good mornings” to me. I can’t imagine what it is going to be like living here!

It was exciting and interesting visiting our new place, looking at it through different eyes this time round, knowing it will soon be our new home. I was surprised that it had ‘shrunk’. I had imagined it bigger! I also was much more critical of the space and was spotting things I need to fix up! I will be doing some scrubbing and putting on my painting clothes no doubt! Most of all I am looking forward to digging in the garden, planting herds and flower….and having my cup of tea on the porch in the morning sun.

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