
Goop glorious goop! Struck by a moment of Mummy magic, I selected a few bowls from the kitchen cupboards, then filled each bowl with a small amount of ingredients, flour, sugar, lentils, rice.  I then found a selection of utensils and set up a table in the yard. I placed a large bucket of water beside the table. The girls were very excited to “Cook” and before long had made some magic goop. For over an hour they sifted, mixed, poured, stirred (and ate!) the selection of ingredients, then added flowers and berries from the garden to make it especially special. Meanwhile I sat in a chair with a magazine at hand, periodically having a “taste”. I have to say this really was delicious goop, it nourished me, not because of the flavour or taste, but because it gave me a few moments of peace! Summer vacation days are long, physically and mentally. Looking after two small children, all day every day with out help means I have little reprieve. While we are thankful for the sun shinning in, it seems that hot days span so much longer than a dark winter day and children seem to be solar powered, they have so much energy in Summer time! I have found myself laying in bed at the end of a long day of Mothering, thinking “What will I do with the kids tomorrow? Sometimes I have a brilliant idea, a simple idea, or I just remember something I liked doing as a child. It is amazing how a solid hour of doing something different and fun can shape our day. The rest of the day goes by so much better if we have a quirky activity, if we focus on something fun to do, if I am able to think like a child, and find small pleasures, if we get to go outside and make some magic goop!

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