Study Water With Children

Study Water With Children

Water is fascinating for the whole family to study, as a theme it seems to flow cross all subjects from Maths to Art. You can dive in deeply with older children as I have with Maya or just touch the surface lightly with younger children through water play and experiments. Either way, learning about water […]

Fiber Burn Test

Fiber Burn Test

A conversation about the flame resistant quality of wool lead into a lesson this morning about fibers in general. This is a lesson I learnt in high-school, but honestly, you could learn it any time after the age of seven and find it handy. I have applied this lesson to fabric after rummaging through Grandma’s […]



As we embark on our second year of homeschooling I have been looking forward to the new year ahead, whilst taking a moment to digest all that we accomplished last year. I feel pretty lucky to get to spend my days with these two little monkeys and can’t believe how quickly the days together go […]