Farewell Picnic

On Friday we had Maya’s Waldorf Playgroup Farewell Picnic. With Springs end, we are entering a new phase, and it feels like there may be a few ‘last time’ occasions for us this Summer. Although it was not actually Maya’s last day (as she is attending a month of Summer School aka ‘June days’, it was the last day of playgroup as we know it. It has all come around so quickly, I find it hard to believe we have been a part of this group for two years!

Friday was a beautiful mild Spring day, we met in Prospect Park with picnic blankets and food. The teachers had a hand made gift for each of the Children, and so one by one a name was called and the Child ran through the rainbow silk towards their teachers. Once each Child had been through the rainbow to collect their gift, they were all able to open them together. Kristin and Beth had needle felted them each a little bumble bee attached to a string. In unison, the children sang a song they know about a bee and buzzed their little bees around – it was so sweet! The Children then played the afternoon away in the sunshine…we left with a beautiful blue melancholy that can only be felt on those special moments in life when you are saying goodbye to something that was wonderful and good.

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