Mike Kelley At PS1


One of the great thing about being close to NYC is being able to see amazing exhibitions. Now that we are homeschooling I try and make a point of going to the city for the day at least once a month. A day at a museum or gallery is so enriching for us all. I was super excited to take the girls to see the Mike Kelley exhibition at PS1.


I will let the pictures speak for themselves about why we were attracted to seeing the Mike Kelley exhibition, it is really, so so good. It was fun driving out to Queens to PS1, I had not been there since I was an art student studying at Pratt.

The exhibition was extensive, and I had to watch the girls closely to calm the nerves of the gallery employees, so I hardly took any photos. It was full of all variety of of art, across all mediums, and our favorite was the collections. There were numerous collections, but the one with the most pow, was the bright sculptural toy installation. Maya wondered if the soft toy sculptures were a constellation, which I thought was a  great question. I personally am not a fan of stuffed animals in the home, but I LOVED this resolution for some of the excess stuffed animals floating around the planet. Even op shops won’t take the poor old stuffed animals and I love how Mike Kelley had a knack for highlighting these types of “things” with collection after collection made of things destined to become junk and rubbish.

Parts of the exhibition had adult only content and the PS1 employees were very good about letting me know which rooms to avoid. The exhibition is over soon, so I urge you to check it out, in the awesome PS1 space.

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