Quinzhee Come Peace Stupa

Quinzhee Come Peace Stupa

When I made a quinzhee this week after blizzard Juno, it was my idea to make a finial shaped topper for it, but the first lot of snow to settle was not the right consistency for sculpture. When more snow arrived a few days later that was malleable I was able to add the topper as […]



Each winter I make a little wish that we will have at least one snow fall with enough snow to make a quinzhee. You are excused if you call this an igloo, as I did too until I learnt the technical different between the two. An igloo is built with snow blocks, one by one, […]

The Best Snow Cave

The Best Snow Cave

We had snow snow, so much snow this Winter which meant that we were able to make not just one, but two snow caves! We outdid ourselves on the second one, which had a sculptural quality and ended looking (with much amusement to Cam)  like a giant boob! who doesn’t like a giant snow boob […]